By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV

On Saturday July 13th, the weather was perfect for playing radio outside, with blue skies and sun. Some of the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club members made the most of this great weather and met for another SARC in the Park, held at the Schaumburg Community Recreation Center.
Kevin, KD9MKD arrived with a box of donuts and his Yaesu ATAS-120 antenna to test out. Three radios were in action: Robert W9RKK’s Elecraft K3, and Mike KD9KMV’s Icom IC-703/Yaesu FT-891 combo. Later on Bob W9DXR was testing his Elecraft K1 with a telescopic fishing pole to support his wire antenna.
Contacts were made across the US, South America and Europe, covering bands from 40m through to 6m.
Here are some more photos taken during the morning.
For more information about this regular club event, please check out the SARC in the Park link.