By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV

We had another good turn out for last weekend’s SARC in the Park, with a nice mix of regular and new faces. Band conditions were difficult, at least on 20m and 40m, which made it hard to make too many contacts, especially running QRP. The Maryland QSO party helped a little, and I did manage to work a station in CA, but it took a lot of patience! Bob W9DXR had an equally tough time on CW (also QRP), but his perseverance paid off and we all ended up making contacts.
In addition to the regular portable radio setups, Dave K9KBM brought along his J-Pole antenna to test, one of the club’s other recent group projects. With the help of Robert W9RKK’s antenna analyzer, they found that it was very well tuned for 2m and 70cm. Quoted from Dave, “The SWR on 2m was 1:1 and on 440 was 1.2:1. Thanks for sponsoring the build, it was the best project for the club yet.”
Here is a list of people that came out, apologies if anyone was missed:
K9KBM | Dave | N9MBH | Leo | KD9KMV | Mike | KD9HIK | Dennis | W9KAO | Kent |
KI7GCJ | Nick | N9MVO | Rob | AC9EM | Steve | KD9HIJ | Ken | ||
W9DXR | Bob | W9RKK | Robert | KD9KSH | John | K9MKD | Kevin |
Here are some more photos we took during the morning…
For more information about this regular club event, please check out the SARC in the Park link.