Thank you to club member Dave, K9KBM, for providing some comic relief.
Status Report on Strategic Materials
The lack of the purple grease (which is more UV resistant) has meant that we must use the green grease. Remember to wax your car before using otherwise the stains from the bird droppings (after they ingest the grease) will stain the finish. Before you shake hands check the persons thumb and index finger for stains to prevent the stain being transferred, right Ken KO9H.
Transparent Aluminum
For those of you needing to build stealth antennas Bob W9GEW said his shipment is stuck at 37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W according to UPS tracking.
Flux Capacitors
Rob N9MVO is offering a reward for the return of the flux capacitor which was stolen from his 160M loop antenna. It seems the cap was borrowed form a friends DeLorean and Rob said something about not getting back in time.
The source has completely dried up but with the recent interest in Greenland Leo N9NBH Is looking for volunteers to join him on a prospecting expedition. A DC source is willing to pay all expenses after the return from Greenland, sounds fishy to me.
Ultra-Velocity Coax
Dirk W0RI Has the last remaining production of C=1.1 coax. Better order yours before it’s all gone.
Wave Stretcher Ferrites
Bill KB9AUP has found an affordable source for WSFerrites in Aurora. Always remember to observe the polarity and distance from the end of the element if you want to stay in the band. A personal note, with two ferrites on my 10M dipole I could work 20 and 40m with a 1.2 SWR.
Mel’s EME Antenna
Mel’s antenna was seized by two men dressed in black driving a large black GMC SUV, the cops refused to file a report. The antenna was seized shortly after he started receiving an undecipherable code on 148.0Mhz every night when the Moon was full.