Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting April 5th, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting April 5, 2023


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM




Robert Kocourek W9RKK Charlene Treve K9CMZ Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Don Dewar KD9NJR John Zietlow K9WIC
Cliff Sowka K9QD Ed Lishka AC9SD John Douglas KD9KSH
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Barry Friedman K9FMB Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC


Secretary’s Report


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Danny Kafka KD9HIL moved to approve the March BOD Minutes as published in the Radio Hill Gazette.  Ed Lishka AC9SD seconded. Motion Carried.


Treasurer’s Report:


Chris Brewer AC9GN reported the following and may provide updates to certain items.


Month: Jan 2023

Checkbook Balance 31-Dec                                          $6,865.17

INCOME MEMO                                                                $      0.00


DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                               $  692.82


Check #1277 5-Jan $300.00 Lucky Monk Hors D’oeuvres for 1/21/23 party

ACH 10-Jan $62.82 AT&T DSL

Check #1279 10-Jan $30.00 Bill Smead Award engraving (reimburse Rob Glowacki)


Account Balance                                                               $6,172.35

31-Jan Bank Statement                                                  $6,172.35

Check #1278 (J. Zietlow, BOD Outstanding            -$   40.00

Adjusted balance                                                             $6,132.35

31-Jan Checkbook balance                                           $6,132.35

Petty Cash 31-Jan                                                             $      0.00

Pay Pal 31-Jan                                                                    $      0.00

+petty cash special accounts Funds Available       $6,172.35


94 members on roster

Month: Feb 2023

Checkbook Balance 31-Jan                                           $6,172.35

INCOME MEMO                                                                $       0.00


DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                               $     62.82

ACH 6-Apr $62.82 AT&T DSL

Account Balance                                                               $6,109.53

28-Feb Bank Statement                                                 $6,109.53

Checks Outstanding $0.00

Adjusted balance                                                             $6,109.53

28-Feb Checkbook balance                                          $6,109.53

Petty Cash 28-Feb                                                            $       0.00

Pay Pal

+petty cash – special accounts Funds Available     $6,109.53

94 members on roster


Month: Mar 2023

Checkbook Balance 28-Feb                                           $6,109.53

INCOME MEMO                                                                $   262.89

$130.00 Cash dues

$75.00 Checks dues

$57.89 Luck Monk refund

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO                                               $   192.82

ACH 14-Mar AT&T DSL                                                           $     62.82

Petty cash                                                                           $   130.00

2/31/2023 Account Balance                                         $6,179.60

2/31/2023 Bank Statement                                         $6,179.60

Checks Outstanding $0.00

Adjusted balance                                                             $6,179.60

2/31/2023 Checkbook balance                                   $6,179.60

2/31/2023 Petty cash                                                     $   130.00

Funds Available                                                                 $6,309.60


94 members on roster


Chris has been working with our bank to establish a Zelle facility for the club.  There are presently two members on the Roster suffering from incomplete contact information; he will continue to determine the missing items.


Public Service 


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC reported an April 15th EMCOMM Training meeting at the Hoffman Estates PD will be held and there are plans to hold these meetings every third Saturday of a month.  A Quarterly Round Table discussion will be established as part of the ongoing schedule.


There will be State-Wide Simulated Emergency Test (SET) in May or June.




Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present but John Zietlow K9WIC was able to inform the Plum Grove UHF machine will lose power on April 14th to allow an electrical update at the site.  It is expected to be restored by the end of the month.


Construction Project (CP)


Cliff Sowka K9QD reported we have two more events planned before our summer schedule turns to SARC-In-The-Park.


VE Testing


John Schofield AC9JS not present.  Ed Lishka AC9SD reported our VE Team hosted 14 Candidates and all passed (with one accomplishing Extra).  Leo’s N9NBH class candidates enjoyed 100% success and this may have been SARC’s largest VE session.




Don Dewar KD9NJR Chairman reports good attendance continues.  Recent Simplex Net was necessitated by the power dis-connect (electrical construction) of our 2M Machine at the Barrington Road facility and there were 14 stations participating.  We are in need of a regular host for the second Tuesday of the month.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG 


Mike K9KMV No Report.




Scott DeSantis KB9VRW present but nothing to report.




Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman provides the following:


  • Despite multiple calls and emails to Schaumburg Park District, no response.  Not sure about the next steps needed to finish installation of the rooftop antenna farm.
  • No other publicity events to report.




Need Chairperson.




Leo N9NBH not present.




Don Dewar KD9NJR is working on a presentation for April Business Meeting.


New Business


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK offers the following:


  • Article for Daily Herald about “New Ham Net”? BOD says YES.
  • Scout “Jamboree on the Air”, third weekend in October
  • Work with Salvation Army Emergency Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) to develop NetLogger class.


Field Day Planning


Danny Kafka KD9HIL has crafted our FD Permit Application for the Park District and Chris Brewer AC9GN will order an Insurance Rider so the documents can be submitted together.


  • Set-Up Friday afternoon June 23rd
  • Normal Field Day Operation Saturday 24th through Sunday 25th
  • Tower Climbers who offered their service last summer will not be able to help this year.


Ed Lishka AC9SD moved to provide $1,000 Field Day Budget for Danny’s planning.  Robert Kocourek W9RKK seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Adjourn 8:36 PM.


Submitted Apr 6, 2023.    Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary