Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting Mar 21, 2024

Business Meeting March 21, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Douglas KD9KSH John Schofield AC9JS
Steve Karson AC9EM Paul Burkett KD9FMN Kevin Willard KB9QVX
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Dennis C, Calvey KD9HIK Don Dewar KD9NJR
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Danny Meyers K9LDM Jim McCann W9JRM
Rob Glowacki N9MVO Leo Ribordy N9NBH John Thornton KD9VZI
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Joe Barela KB9RCR Cliff Sowka K9QD
Chris Brewer AC9GN Alex Suptela KD9ZZD Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU

 ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Pierre Berube K9EYE Bill KD9RGX
Will KA9DQB Kirk K9MSG Bob W9DXR
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Don Froula K9CLF Bates N9UVI

 Secretary’s Report:

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  February Report as published in the RHG.  Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve, Leo seconded, Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report: 

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported: $7,275.81 funds available with 118 Members on Roster.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved to approve and Danny Kafka KD9HIL seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  MS Walk at Harper College is set for May 5th.  Detailed SARC-ALL staffing eMail will be published beforehand.

Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade will be supported again this year and planning will begin a few weeks ahead of the event.

Chicagoland Marathon in Busse Woods May 5th will be managed by John Zietlow K9WIC.  John will be communicating detailed plans shortly.


John Zietlow K9WIC not present.


Rob N9MVO and Robert W9RKK along with Kent Ochs W9KAO are developing documentation for repeater procedures and repair.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:

We have three CP Events remaining for this season and 2nd and 4th Saturdays will be replaced with SARC-in-the-Park.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results for March 2, 2024

Name Call Class
Alexander KD9ZZD Technician
Kenji KD9ZZE Technician
Adam KD9ZZF Technician
Alexander KD9ZZG Technician
Oleg KD9ZZN General
Dean KD9ZZI General
John KD9QVP Extra


Technician 4
General 2
Extra 1
Total 7

Results are late because of a delay in entering the information.

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Steve Karson AC9EM
Ed Lishka AC9SD
James Migalla KC9UFB
John Schofield AC9JS

Next examination date: April 6, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy.  Surely would be good if we could have alternate control operators once in a while.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 Mike K9KMV:  Not present

Special Events:  

 Leo N9NBH and Dennis KD9HIK expect to meet with the school staff to review club participation in the upcoming STEM fair on May 2.   Leo requests up to four volunteers with someone off site to provide response.  Note children’s ages only up to 10.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  some message filtering would be helpful in keeping the Membership Chair’s efforts focused on recruitment.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  SARC presented a respectable presence for Schaumburg’s safety presentation with our Ham Radio Call letters clearly visible in the audience.

As Tracy Raimondo addressed audience’s questions she stated that Ham Radio is a valuable resource in times of emergency;  clearly acknowledging appreciation for our visibility.

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No response to Leos’s request concerning setting up our next class.  It appears the Library remodeling project is moving slowly.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is SARC COMMITTEE structure, staffing, and need to fulfill some important vacancies.

Old Business:

Charlene K9CMZ discussed ARRL supported proposed laws protecting Hams from local rules and ordinances forbidding radio equipment at their home.

 New Business: 

Chris Brewer AC9GN presented a recent request from a local Vet in Wonder Lake:  they desire to increase the sensory radius for embedded animal ID tags to something like ~ two meters.   Current wands can only detect the animal’s passive chip at very close range.   No talent within tonight’s group was apparent.  Pierre K9EYE mentioned his iPhone was useful in detecting prescription bottle IDs.

Pierre K9EYE suggested we could enhance SARC-in-the-Park activity by participating in POTA at designated sites such as Pate Philips in Bartlett or Moraine Hills.

Robert W9RKK suggested we begin supporting Danny’s Kd9HIL Field Day planning in earnest.  Items that require lead time such as Public Works site permit, insurance rider, tent captains, climbers, and support equipment.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved we continue with the Plum Grove Public Works site for Field Day again this year.  Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded the idea.  Group tonight agrees.

John Thornton KD9VZI wishes to know if SARC t-shirts could be available or if we could organize procurement for interested members.

Adjourn:  7:49 PM

Submitted March 22, 2024

Cliff Sowka  K9QD
