Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting May 16, 2024

Business Meeting May 16, 2024

Don Dewar KD9NJR President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK John Douglas KD9KSH Don Dewar KD9NJR
Bob McIntyre W9DXR Paul Burkett KD9FMN Mariusz Szpryngacz AD9DU
Steve Epstein WA9FZB Danny Meyers K9LDM Alex Suptela W2DNA
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Joe Barela KB9RCR Guy Stanek KE9AIA
Rob Glowacki N9MVO Daryl Jenks KB9RHR Kent Ochs W9KAO
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV Chris Brewer AC9GN Cliff Sowka K9QD


ZOOM Virtual Attendees: 

Scott KB9VRW Charlene Treve K9CMZ Bill KD9RGX
John KD9VDJ Steve AC9EM Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK
Jim Campbell KB9RGU Dave N9IBM Leo N9NBH


Secretary’s Report:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  April Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:   John Douglas KD9KSH moved to approve and Danny Meyers K9LDM seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported:

Month:          April 2024  –   Report generated on 4/6/2024

Checkbook Balance                                       03/31/24


Cash 04/15/24 $25.00 Dues
Cash 04/22/24 $30.00 Dues




ACH 04/08/24 $62.82 AT&T DSL
ACH 04/09/24 $200.00 Club insurance

Account Balance



04/30/24 Bank Statement $6,613.79

 CHECKS OUTSTANDING                                                   MEMO                                                  $958.00

Check #1292                         03/09/24         $958.00 Holiday party reimbursement

ADJUSTED BALANCE                                                                                                                 $5,655.79

 Petty Cash                                                         04/30/24         $100.00

Funds Available                       $5,755.79

120 members on roster

Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved to approve and Rob Glowacki N9MVO seconded.  Motion Adopted.

 Public Service

Rob Glowacki N9MVO:  MS Walk at Harper College held on May 5 was successful with some effort required to re-install several course signs that were knocked-down during the storm the night beforehand.  Eleven (11) SARC members supported the event and forty-four (44) person hours were contributed.

Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade will be supported again this year and planning will begin a few weeks ahead of the event.


 No report.


Rob N9MVO addressed the reoccurring static observed on the 2M machine.  Much discussion about possible cause and detailed analysis that should be undertaken to determine the trouble.  The existing antenna is more than 20-years old and may require replacement (~$1K+).  Else there may be compromised feed line underground and up to the top of the tank.  Analysis will require professional equipment and skill because Kent W9KAO reminded our Station Master Antenna is DC grounded at the tank top.   If the antenna is at fault, we’ll need to climb the tank to determine what termination is in place so we’re able to procure the correct antenna model.

Construction Project (CP) 

 Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Construction Project is on hiatus until the fall.  I’ll be watching for a table-mount vice while shopping at the many Hamfests this summer to complete our build-capabilities enhancement.

VE Testing

 John Schofield AC9JS reports VE Tests Results:

 May 4, 2024

Name Call Class
Kirk KD9ZDT General
Gerald KD9YGI Amateur Extra


Technician 0
General 1
Extra 1
Total 2

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):

Bill Davies K9WKD
Neil Ormos N9NL
John Schofield AC9JS

For some reason the entering of the information into the FCC ULS system was delayed until Friday, 5-10-24.  Since these were upgrades to the present licenses, the updates were almost immediate.

Since issuing an email to the club asking for volunteers to be VEs, I have received 5 responses from members to help.

Next examination date:  June 1, 2024

John Schofield

Session Manager



Don Dewar KD9NJR:   Nets are busy.  Sure would be good if we could have alternate control operators once in a while.

Radio Hill Gazette (RHG):  

 No Report

Special Events:  Dennis C. Calvey posted the following report on our website.

Leo Ribordy N9NBH SARC Education Chair organized participation in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Night at Anne Fox Elementary School in Hanover Park on Thursday May 2nd.

Daryl Jenks (KB9RHR), Robert Benwitz (N9JAX), SARC Board Member, Bill Riess (KW9WR) SARC Board Member, and Dennis Calvey (KD9HIK), SARC Publicity Chair were present with a radio display.  Our setup included a large supply of hand out literature, giveaway pens, a 32” monitor running a slide show about Amateur Radio, two base stations with antennas, and a couple of straight keys connected to buzzers.

The event was staged in several school hallways and the gym.  SARC was assigned a tabletop in the gym.

Leo and Daryl had brought radios and antennas for demonstrations, but it was quickly determined that all we could get was noise.  HT’s were able to hit the SARC repeaters with difficulty.

Tough RF conditions – LED ceiling lights, built up steel deck roof, interior cinder block walls, no way to get an antenna outside, and to make matters worse, a storm outside and a Van de Graf generator demonstration about 25 feet away.

So, while we couldn’t use the radios, we were able to talk about them, and stuff that HAMs do on the air.

The big hit for SARC was Robert’s Morse Code demonstration.  Almost every kid that saw his straight keys asked what they were and that’s all it took.  He gave a brief history of Morse Code (The Original Text Messaging!), and then wrote their name, with the letters arranged vertically, on a piece of paper.  Then he showed them the classic dots and dashes for each letter.  A quick lesson with the key, and then he had them send their name.  They walked away with a souvenir – their name written in Morse Code – and the parents got a bunch of literature.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW:  No report.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK:  Successful STEM display (see above).

Social:  Chair open


 Leo Ribordy N9NBH: No report.


Don Dewar KD9NJR:  Tonight’s program is Field Day Planning as directed by Danny Kafka KD9HIL.

Old Business:

Pierre K9EYE suggested we could enhance SARC-in-the-Park activity by participating in POTA at designated sites such as Pate Philips in Bartlett or Moraine Hills.

Robert W9RKK suggested we begin supporting Danny’s Kd9HIL Field Day planning in earnest.  Items that require lead time such as Public Works site permit, insurance rider, tent captains, climbers, and support equipment.

Steve Karson AC9EM moved we continue with the Plum Grove Public Works site for Field Day again this year.  Leo Ribordy N9NBH seconded the idea.  Group tonight agrees.

John Thornton KD9VZI wishes to know if SARC t-shirts could be available or if we could organize procurement for interested members.

Charlene K9CMZ discussed ARRL supported proposed laws protecting Hams from local rules and ordinances forbidding radio equipment at their home.

 New Business: 

Danny Kafka KD9HIL SARC Vice President and Field Day (FD) Chair provided and update for FD planning.

GOTA tent is now staffed, our Welcome Tent should be ready, and we’ll take inventory on Friday afternoon set-up to determine any shortages.  For example, one of our storage bins (21 Gal) suffered damage and needs replacement.  We think there may be a ‘deck box’ available to help us avoid expense of a new purchase.  Our large canopy cover uses elastic ball bungee hold-downs…..damaged during last summer’s storm and we’ll need about 12 replacements.

Head-count will be needed for the three (3) f’n  food events (Friday set-up, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast) so Danny will send SARC-ALL to ascertain anticipated attendee head-count for each event.

Danny plans to use the same catering service as last year for Saturday.  Sunday breakfast may be as simple as a few egg-muffins from the local 24-hour McD’s because not many folks want to work through the night.

Extra points offered for NTS traffic: ARRL Section Manager Contact details and ability to make a connection requires confirmation beforehand.

Howard Mitchell KD9WSV observed there are many new members who haven’t experienced FD, have no vision of how to assist/participate, and he has offered to send SARC-ALL to gather some Elmer’ing talent to help us enlist help we’ll need for FD.

Adjourn:  7:30 PM

Submitted May 17, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD
