Board of Directors Meeting March 5, 2025
Chairman Bill McGovern, W9WEM, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM
Secretary’s Report
Members asked for any comments or questions regarding the February BOD Meeting Minutes as published on the web site by Howard Mitchell KD9WSV: None heard, Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved for approval and Bob Benwitz N9JAX seconded. Motion Adopted.
Treasurer’s Report
Chris Brewer AC9GN presented the below report: Robert Kocourek W9RKK moved for approval and Bob Benwitz N9JAX seconded. Motion Adopted.
Public Service
Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present
Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.
Robert Kocourek W9RKK said Echolink automated announcements have been turned off. Net controllers indicated are very pleased with this improvement.
Construction Project
Cliff Sowka K9QD not present.
Radio Hill Gazette (RHG)
Eliot Libner N9EPA not present
VE Testing:
John Schofield AC9JC not present
Don Dewar KD9NJR reports attendance continues to be very good. As he previously has indicated, the club needs more members to come forward to handle Net Control for the Tech Net.
Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.
Dennis Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman report:
1. 177 Facebook followers
2. Kirk Musselman (K9MSG) submitted his report on Simplex Net to ARRL and was published on their daily page.
He has also developed a website – “”. It address has been added to the SARC website.
The web site will list ham radio related events (Hamfests, POTA) as well as links to volunteer opportunities.
3. Soliciting suggestions for the Anne Fox Elementary School STEM event on Thursday May 1st. Audience is K-6 grade school students, some with limited attention span, and the environment is a bit challenging. Leo Ribordy(N9NBH) has contacted the event coordinator and asked for other School District 54 representatives that might be able to get us into middle schools.
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV, Committee Chair, reported he and the Vice Chairs Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK and Kirk Musselman K9MSG had a very productive meeting with Tracy Raimando. Tracy is the Schaumburg Emergency Management and Accreditation Manager,| Fire Department. Action items include preparing a one page summary for Tracy of SARC’s capabilities in this area and drafting an updated Memorandum Of Understanding between our organizations.
John Douglas KD9KSH not present. (No events need to be planned for some time yet)
Leo N9NBH not present.
New Technician classes are nearing completion.
Don Dewar KD9NJR: No update at this time. Attendees suggested considering a program around solar powered systems after a very good discussion on the topic on Don’s recent Tech Net.
Unfinished Business
Still wishing to assemble a small team to recommend what changes ought to be planned for including possible replacement of some of the repeater equipment. Several attempts to engage current members knowledgeable on the details of the current repeaters have not been successful. Efforts will continue in this area.
New Business
Don Dewar KD9NJR will ask Chris Brewer AC9GN, who had to leave earlier, to prepare the proposed budget for next year consistent with the clubs Constitution and By-Laws.
Bill McGovern W9WEM moved for Adjournment and Bob Benwitz N9JAX seconded.
Meeting Adjourned 7:59 PM
Submitted March 7, 2025
Howard Mitchell KD9WSV, Secretary