By Rob N9MVO
Special Thanks to those who participated in the MS Walk Public Service Event on Sunday, May 7th.
We got started early in the morning, before 8:00 AM to get organized and to find our locations for deployment and where we could park our cars without having to walk 3 miles to get to and from our locations.
We needed to be on our stations early, because we needed to drive on the course that participants would use once the Walk got started. Then there was a wait for the official start, but finally they started walking.
Some signage misunderstanding had many of the three mile walkers walking the 1 mile route, and then going back out to get the other two miles. This made for confusion as there were at least 3 groups or people who had been identified as the ‘last walker’. Eventually, the real ‘Last Walker’ was identified, and all completed their desired course.
However, the walk was completed, with no injuries or losses, so, I guess that means it was successful. The following SARC Members participated in support:
Darryl KB9RHR
Dennis KD9HIK
Howard KD9WSV
Scott N9SLA
Bill W9WEM
Doug W9YFC
Again, Special thanks to all who participated in this event.
The next event will be Field Day. We need LOTS of support for that event ! ! One week later is the Independence Day Parade in Hoffman Estates.
Public Service is an important part of Ham radio.
73 de N9MVO,