Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors July 3, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting July 3, 2024

Robert Kocourek W9RKK Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00PM


Robert Kocourek W9RKK Don Dewar KD9NJR Chris Brewer AC9GN
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Paul Burkett KD9FMN Bob Benwitz N9JAX
Cliff Sowka K9QD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Schofield AC9JS
Bob Benwitz N9JAX

 Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Jun BOD Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG:  Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to approve and seconded by John Schofield AC9JS.  Motion Adopted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports DRAFT (some Field Day expenses/income as well as petty cash will be provided shortly):


Month: June 2024 Report generated on 6/2/2024
Checkbook Balance 05/30/24 $6,551.46
INCOME 06/xx/24 MEMO $915.00
20 Zelle deposits $580.00 Dues (summarized)
Cash 06/10/24 $100.00 Dues
Teller deposit 06/18/24 $25.00 Dues
Cash 06/27/24 $210.00 Dues
DISBURSEMENTS 06/10/24 MEMO $62.82
ACH $62.82 AT&T DSL
Account Balance
06/30/24 Bank Statement $7,403.64
Petty Cash 06/30/24 $100.00
Funds Available $7,503.64

57 members on roster

Public Service 

 Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present. Rob has provided advance notice on SARC-ALL regarding Hoffman Estates Fourth of July plans:

There is a radioactivity event on Thursday, July 4 in Hoffman Estates.

As in many previous years, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is requested to organize the parade this year.  So, at 7:30 AM, we will meet at Illinois Ave and Paris Lane, a couple blocks north of Schaumburg Road to get our location assignments.

The parade will be on Illinois Ave. this year, as in some previous years.  The task requires a few blocks of walking.  Each operator is given a list of the parade units to be located on his block, and what address each unit is planned to be staged.  You will also be given a map of the area to indicate the addresses.  And if I could figure out how to get this thing to include a map I could edit I could draw in the areas where we will be staging units and show the parade route.

Prior to the start of the parade at 9:00 AM, we ensure that the units are in place.  Then at the start of the parade, we direct our units out to the parade route, in order.  Parade units line up on Payson St. and Paris, Newark, Norridge, and Morgan lanes.  The Reviewing stand is near Illinois and Evanston street.

We need to report to the reviewing stand any units that are missing, or if there is a conflict between units (like two adjacent units playing music) so we can get permission to change the order of those units.  Of course, some units arrive late, so we get to try to insert them into the parade where they belong, and tell the reviewing stand when they are appearing in the parade if we can’t get them in order.

This year, the person I used to work with in getting information has moved on to another job, so we may have some documentation problems.  (The new people have not yet verified the IHOP breakfast as has been traditional).

At the appointed time, we direct units in order onto the streets leading to Paris Lane, from which they will turn into Illinois Blvd for the parade.

It makes for a lot of fun, with a little work, mostly walking and checking unit numbers, and communicating by radio.

If you have not done a Public Service event before, this is a good one to start on.

All you need is an HT with the EMCOMM channels programmed into it, a hat and maybe sunscreen for protection from solar energy, and probably a bottle of water or two, if the weather is hot.  A clipboard for holding the list of units can be helpful.  We have some yellow safety vests for the club, but if you have one of your own, bring it.

Communications distance (as the radio wave travels) is about a mile, so no repeater is necessary. We will use EMCOMM 4 (147.420 MHz Simplex) as the normal operating frequency, with EMCOMM 5 (146.490 MHz Simplex) as a backup.

We need at least 10 operators to support the parade.

If you are willing to assist, please let me know.  If we have more volunteers, we can double up on some blocks, so you won’t have to walk as far.

Thanks and 73 de N9MVO,

Rob GlowackiPublic Service Chair

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club


 No Report.


 Rob Glowacki N9MVO, Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ not present.

Robert Kocourek W9RKK continues work to establish an operation manual for our machines with assistance from the Repeater Team and Kent Ochs W9KAO.

Construction Project (CP)

Cliff Sowka K9QD reports CP is on summer hiatus.  The elevator remains out of service but we’re expecting restoration before we resume CP meetings in late September.  We have received a donation of a very clean Hallicrafters SX 122A with Xtal Cal Option and factory speaker.  Stored in CP cabinets and ready for slow-bring-up when we return in September.

VE Testing:  John Schofield AC9JS (W5YI tabulates John has hosted 117 sessions) reports next session is July 6th.  Currently have 4 students registered.


 Attendance remains enthusiastic.  Need Net Control volunteer to host on Tuesdays.

Radio Hill Gazette RHG 

 Need Editor. No Report.


Scott DeSantis KB9VRW Membership Committee Chairman not present.


Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman reports the following:

  • Publicity he submitted to Daily Herald yielded ~10 visitors for our Field Day event.
  • Facebook activity is building strongly.
  • SARC will possibly support Schaumburg September Fest. Details shortly.


 Need Chairperson.


Leo N9NBH not present.  There is currently no answer from the Library regarding fall classroom availability for us.


 Don Dewar KD9NJR: Need program ideas and membership presenter support. Next presentation will cover antennas.

Old Business

Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK proposed New Business Topics:

  1. A) Should we show up at the “Coffee with the Council Meeting”?
  1. B) During hybrid SARC Business Meetings, remote participants can’t see board members behind the camera, and can’t clearly hear speakers.  Is it possible to add another camera and/or a remote microphone?
  1. C) DX Engineering Zoom Webinars during Club Meetings
  2. D) A couple of members have suggested purchasing EVOLVE laptop computers.  They could be used for logging during Field Day, connected to transceivers for Digital Modes, training.  Cost about $90.00 +tax.  Daryl (KD9RHR) and Scott (KB9VRW) both suggest adding a solid state hard drive.
  • SARC Website needs updates to our outdated Club Officer List.
  • Bruce Warrington W9EHA is SARC-BD admin

 Field Day

Danny Kafka KD9HIL Vice President reports a successful Field Day this year.

  • Board of Directors thanked her for excellent organization and performance.

Entry received at: 2024-07-01 00:02:39 UTC

Submitted by: Danny Kafka, KD9HIL              

Call Used: N9RJV         GOTA Station Call: KD9FMN          ARRL/RAC Section: IL         Class: 2A

Participants: 77         Club/Group Name: Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club

Power Source(s): Generator, Solar

Power Multiplier: 2X Preliminary Total Score: 4,916

Bonus Points:

Bonus                    Points                                      Status 100% emergency power                      200

Media publicity                              100 Documented by publicity.docx

Public information table                       100

W1AW Field Day message                     100 Documented by This is W1AW.docx

Natural power QSOs completed       100 Documented by N9RJV_2024 Emergency Power Contacts.txt Site visit by invited served agency            100

Educational activity                                100

Safety officer                                             100 Documented by 1_91-FD Safety Officer SIGNED.pdf

Social media                                             100

GOTA Station                                            250

GOTA Coach                                             100

Entry submitted via web                       50

Total bonus points                              1,400



CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs   653 62 328
Total Points  1306 124 328 1758 Claimed Score = 3,516

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:

CW             Digital           Phone Band QSOs     Pwr(W)    QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs  160m


40m        180                    100


20m 457 100 276 100
15m 14 100 2 100
10m 6m 2m


2 100  





Other Satellite










Total 653 62 328
GOTA Station: GOTA Coach – 100 Bonus Points
Name Call QSOs Bonus Points
Rob Glowacki N9MVO 6 30
Kirk Musselman K9MSG 41 205
Paul Burkett KD9FMN 3 15

John Schofield AC9JS moved to authorize $100 purchase of replacement Welcome Tent (damaged during storm) and Paul Burkett KD9FMN seconded.  Motion Adopted. Dennis KD9HIK will procure a replacement.

New Business

Paul Burkett KD9FMN moved to purchase a replacement Alps tent for Field Day at expense of $125 ($300 retail).  John Schofield seconded.  Motion Adopted.

Chris Brewer received PO Box Renewal and the Board authorized him to execute properly with annual fee.

Adjourn 8:02 PM

Submitted Jul 4, 2024

Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary