The club operated 2A (two transmitters + GOTA, club station) on Field Day. We had approximately 35 participants over the 24 hour period.
Our final score is: 3,204
This consists of:
- 490 Bonus Points for the ARRL bulletin, emergency power, public location, youth participants and GOTA.
- 610 CW QSOs
- 382 Phone QSOs
- 35 Digital QSOs
We did not get all of the sections, missing a few in Canada, AK, EWA, and PAC. We made contacts on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.
We would like to thank everyone who operated, participated, helped in the setup, teardown and planning for the event. We are especially thankful for those who oversaw the tent and food preparation: Robert W9RKK for SSB, Bob W9DXR for CW, Bob W9GEW for GOTA and Bill W9WEM for both dinner and breakfast with help from Frank N9QPD. A special thanks goes out to Ryan W9RAO for climbing the tower at both setup and tear down, and as serving as our impromptu first aid station.
Here is a video shot by drone as we were setting up. Thanks to Peter KD9ICT for bringing the drone.
A few photos of our operation follow.