The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is actively involved in supporting Emergency Communications. Amateur Radio has a long history of providing assistance during times of crisis. The unique skills and equipment possessed by hams can supplement the emergency communications channels of public safety organizations during, or after catastrophes such as floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, wild fires and even terrorist attacks.
When participation is requested by any Governmental organization or any non-governmental organizations with an emergency / disaster response mission, such requests are referred to the EMCOMM committee. (Note: The Public Service committee works with Non-Governmental organizations and Non-Profit organizations which request participation of amateur radio operators)
SARC’s emergency communication efforts can begin to prepare members for emergency organizations including:
- ARES (ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Services)
- RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service)
- SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network)
- AUXCOMM (Auxiliary Communications, USA State Level)
- CERT (Community Emergency RadioTeam)
The Emergency Communications Committee focuses on these objectives:
- WHAT: We engage SARC members in opportunities to grow their skills and be involved in one of the fastest growing areas of amateur radio; preparing for and providing communications during times of emergency.
HOW: We grow our emergency communications knowledge, skills and preparedness through training and practice while interacting with government and amateur radio organizations which focus on emergency communications. As an example, SARC EMCOMM, when requested, supports the Village of Schaumburg at government sponsored events like parades.
- Members are encouraged to take FEMA on-line training courses ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700 and ICS-800
- WHY: Participants embrace challenge, teamwork, and learning while also being ready to step-up as volunteers for unplanned events when Governmental organizations or any non-governmental organizations seek emergency communications services.
Common forms
- ICS-217 SARC EmComm frequencies to pre-program into your Radio.
- ICS-214 Unit Log – Word | PDF
- ICS-309 Communications Log – Word | PDF