June 26, 2021
The Schaumburg Park District has returned to nearly-normal operations and combined with the lifting of group size restrictions by the state the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club is happy to announce that we will be returning to in person meetings for all of our events without capacity restrictions. Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club acknowledges accolades to Dennis …
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April 3, 2021
SARC has acquired equipment over the last two years that we are making available via auction to the club’s members. This auction is not open to the public, and takes place on SARC-ALL, our club’s closed mailing list. When Bidding opens now. Bidding closes 8AM April 10th at CP. Bids must be placed through SARC-All, where …
Continue reading "April 2021 Auction"
March 25, 2021
Our VE testing will be administering amateur radio license tests on the first Saturday of each month at Schaumburg Tennis Plus, the same location as the construction project. There continue to be some COVID-19 restrictions on testing. Please read more on the VE Testing page.
March 4, 2021
Mike KD9POE has shared his own version of how to get a wire antenna up into a tree. A solid stick through a dog ball on a fishing pole. This thing is easy to launch 60 feet up with accuracy. You could go higher up if you’re more athletic than me, not any challenge to …
Continue reading "“Antenna Launcher” from Mike KD9POE"
February 20, 2021
The following changes have been reported: John Zietlow K9WIC has kindly accepted the role of Club Treasurer Daryl KB9RHR has now taken on the responsibility of Membership Chair duty We congratulate and thank them both for taking on these important roles for the club.