May 22, 2020
Our VE Team recently implemented a plan to provide License Testing while following social distancing guidelines. The first session took place on Saturday, May 16 2020. The team reports that 4 tests were administered with 2 new Technicians and 1 upgrade to general. The next session will take place on Saturday, June 6 by appointment …
Continue reading "Social Distancing VE Testing a Success"
March 20, 2020
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers of the yearly MS Walk in early May have decided to cancel this event. SARC has offered radio support to this event for years and hopes to see it return for 2021. It is often considered the kick-off to our season of public service events.
December 5, 2019
Date: Thur. December 19th, 2019 Time: 7pm Schaumburg Community Recreation Center A reminder to all members that the December monthly meeting is on Thursday December 19th. After club business has been discussed, Jim Hull (W9JGH) and Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO) will be giving their Distracted Driving Laws and Amateur Radio presentation.
November 14, 2019
A reminder to all members that the Club Elections will take place next Thursday, 21st November at 7pm, during the Monthly Club Meeting. Further details available from Ken, KD9HIJ
November 7, 2019
This Saturday is another Construction Project meeting held in the basement level at the Schaumburg Tennis Plus, 1416 Payne Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173. Bill Crockett KD9AUP will be demonstrating how to connect a variety of RF connectors to different coax types.