Novice Exam from 1983

August 16, 2018
Ken KD9HIJ recently came across a novice level exam from 1983. The full exam can be seen here. See how you do! On our discussion board Bruce N9EHA had a few memories about the exam. That’s awesome. [It] could be an exam you could have given to someone for a Novice test I suppose. Remember … Continue reading "Novice Exam from 1983"

New Ham Gets On The Air

August 4, 2018
Don KD9KSJ took his technician exam with our VE testing team in April. About a week later he received his license and purchased a Yaesu FT-65R. The radio arrived in about a week and he was excited to get on the air. Using a scanner he already had he was able to test the radio an … Continue reading "New Ham Gets On The Air"

Meet the VE Testing Team

July 15, 2018
Our team of Volunteer Examiners (VEs) dedicates one Saturday morning per month to administering Amateur Radio license exams for all three license levels. They also spend additional time submitting paperwork for all of the new licenses generated from the tests as well as keeping their testing materials up to date with the latest question pools. … Continue reading "Meet the VE Testing Team"

Field Day Video

July 13, 2018
Kevin K9AAB put together the following from photos and videos he collected while visiting our Field Day operation.