January 3, 2022
Our Technician level license class that was to run on Saturdays January through March at the Hoffman Estates branch of the Schaumburg library has been cancelled. The library has temporally suspended in-person events due to the current surge of COVID-19. The library is moving many of their events to an online-only format, however our instructors …
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December 29, 2021
SARC has re-scheduled or cancelled some events in January due to the New Year’s Day holiday falling on the first Saturday of the month. VE Testing Saturday, January 1 Cancelled. Please join us on our regular testing date February 5, 9:00 am. Breakfast at Maxfields Saturday, January 1 January 8, 8:00 am Construction Project Saturday, …
Continue reading "January Schedule Changes"
December 6, 2021
UPDATE: This class has been postponed. Additional information. Date: Saturdays Jan 8-Mar 12, 2022 Time: 10:30 am – 12:30pm Registration Required Hoffman Estates Library The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club (SARC) is sponsoring a series of 10 classes to help prepare people wanting to take the FCC Technician Class License test. The classes will begin Saturday …
Continue reading "POSTPONED: Technician License Classes Begin in January"
November 9, 2021
Due to a change of Internet provider, please be aware that the Echolink connection to the SARC 145.230 VHF repeater will be down for approximately 10 days, starting November 10th.
October 18, 2021
Robert W9RKK has provided two sets of files for programming the Yaesu FTM-300DR and Yaesu FT3-DR radios with local repeaters. He has graciously included both instructions with screenshots and the files to load to the radio. They can be found on the menu under Ham Resources -> Radio Programming Files. Any other club members who …
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