March 31, 2021
Board of Directors Meeting March 3, 2021 With the help of Geoff KA9QGH’s ZOOM-enabled call, Burt Schultz AB9CV called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Attendees: Russ Schmidt KC9NUV Cliff Sowka K9QD John Douglas KD9KSH Geoff Stevens KA9QGH Danny Kafka KD9HIL John Zietlow K9WIC Ed Liska AC9SD Rob Glowacki N9MVO Dennis C. …
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March 25, 2021
Our VE testing will be administering amateur radio license tests on the first Saturday of each month at Schaumburg Tennis Plus, the same location as the construction project. There continue to be some COVID-19 restrictions on testing. Please read more on the VE Testing page.
March 15, 2021
From Cliff K9QD 220, 221- Whatever it takes. Electric Utility Service Drop…and why the service drop to the consumer has a center-tapped transformer grounded to earth. Wiring diagram of today’s typical single-family service entrance panel: Note the Utility Transformer’s center-tap is grounded at the pole. Also, the consumer’s service entrance panel and Neutral/Equipment bonding bars …
Continue reading "History of Grounding"
March 7, 2021
Operating A Home Station From A Remote Location, by Jack W9YY My wife and I rented a condo in Florida for the month of January. We had been to this condo before, and I knew that there was no possibility of installing an antenna for the month, even temporarily. So I chose to …
Continue reading "Remote Operation by Jack W9YY"
March 4, 2021
Mike KD9POE has shared his own version of how to get a wire antenna up into a tree. A solid stick through a dog ball on a fishing pole. This thing is easy to launch 60 feet up with accuracy. You could go higher up if you’re more athletic than me, not any challenge to …
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