A “Thank You” to SARC

August 31, 2020
It was with much sadness that several club members, led by Dirk W0RI, helped to remove an antenna tower from the home of silent key Ray, WA9BLP. Ray’s wife Millie was extremely grateful to the group that volunteered their time to complete the tower take down, and sent the following thank you note:   Mike, … Continue reading "A “Thank You” to SARC"

Tim KD9LAI going digital portable

August 25, 2020
In preparation for a longer upcoming trip in September,  Tim KD9LAI went out into the field to a local park to test some new equipment: Sotabeams 23′ mast and 3 band linked dipole        Bioenno Solar panel and solar charge controller

It happened! The first club meeting held on Zoom

August 24, 2020
  The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club held it’s first Zoom based monthly meeting last week, on Thursday 20th August. Many club members joined to watch Geoff KA9QGH, the club president, host the meeting from his home.

Upcoming Online Ham Radio Events

July 31, 2020
Mike Sorensen K9KQX At tonight’s net [July 30, 2020 – Ed.] I mentioned a few items and thought I’d share some links about a virtual Hamfest with various keynote speakers.  The topics actually look pretty interesting so for the newer hams this might be worthwhile.  The event is free, just register on the web site … Continue reading "Upcoming Online Ham Radio Events"