RHG July 2020

July 29, 2020
Editor’s note We have all been affected in one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been difficult for me to find the time required to gather articles, and submit the newsletter each month. As a result, I apologize for having not been able to publish the Radio Hill Gazette for the … Continue reading "RHG July 2020"

Field Day 2020 with SARC

July 28, 2020
  Field Day 2020 was, to say the least, a very different Field Day to any other that we have experienced.  Restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, meant that the usual format that club members were used to was not possible.  Social distancing and other protective health measures meant that for the most part, Field … Continue reading "Field Day 2020 with SARC"

Bill, KD9AUP, helping a fellow club member

July 5, 2020
Valued club member Bill, KD9AUP is shown in the above photo performing some antenna work,  repairing the 10 meter trap for Tom, KD9JSA’s earlier this month. Thank you to Roberto, WA9E, for sending in the photo.    

LIMITED VE Testing Available

July 1, 2020
SARC is offering on a very limited basis VE testing that follows the current social distancing guidelines.  Please complete the form below and you will receive a call back from our VE team when a slot is available for testing.