August 24, 2020
The Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club held it’s first Zoom based monthly meeting last week, on Thursday 20th August. Many club members joined to watch Geoff KA9QGH, the club president, host the meeting from his home.
August 20, 2020
As you probably know, due to Covid-19, the monthly club face to face meetings (held on the third Thursday of the month) have not been possible, and so a club net has been taking place on the K9IIK 145.230 repeater. From this month on, starting this evening, the monthly club meetings will now be held …
Continue reading "QST: Monthly club meetings now to be held on Zoom"
July 31, 2020
Mike Sorensen K9KQX At tonight’s net [July 30, 2020 – Ed.] I mentioned a few items and thought I’d share some links about a virtual Hamfest with various keynote speakers. The topics actually look pretty interesting so for the newer hams this might be worthwhile. The event is free, just register on the web site …
Continue reading "Upcoming Online Ham Radio Events"
July 29, 2020
Editor’s note We have all been affected in one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been difficult for me to find the time required to gather articles, and submit the newsletter each month. As a result, I apologize for having not been able to publish the Radio Hill Gazette for the …
Continue reading "RHG July 2020"
July 28, 2020
Field Day 2020 was, to say the least, a very different Field Day to any other that we have experienced. Restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, meant that the usual format that club members were used to was not possible. Social distancing and other protective health measures meant that for the most part, Field …
Continue reading "Field Day 2020 with SARC"