August 31, 2019
Schaumburg Business Meeting 15 August 19, 2019 Vice President Danny Kafka KD9HIL called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Tonight’s question was; what got you into ham radio? Rebecca KA9EFE continues to provide the Club with wonderful snacks. Attendees: Danny Kafka KD9hil///Mel Luxenberg W9FRT///Bill Crockett KD9AUP John Douglas KD9KSH///John Zietlow K9WIC///Jim Campbell KB9RGU///Frank Giampa N9QPD Ed …
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August 31, 2019
Board of Directors Meeting, 7 August 2019 Chairman Leo Ribordy N9NBH called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and noted that there was a quorum. Attendees: Frank Giampa N9QPD///Jim Campbell KB9RGU///Danny Kafka KD9HIL/// Robert Kocourek W9RKK///Dennis Calvey KD9HIK///John Douglass KD9KSH Edward Lishka AC9SD///Burt Schultz AB9CV///Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ///Leo Ribordy N9NBH John Zietlow K9WIC///Cliff Sowka K9QD///Kent Ochs …
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August 28, 2019
By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV As we draw close to the end of SARC in the Park season, another great weather day set the scene for more portable radio fun last Saturday morning.
August 26, 2019
By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV Bright and early this past Saturday morning, a total of 9 club members gave up an hour or so of their time and met at the water tower site in Schaumburg.
August 16, 2019
By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV We had another good turn out for last weekend’s SARC in the Park, with a nice mix of regular and new faces. Band conditions were difficult, at least on 20m and 40m, which made it hard to make too many contacts, especially running QRP. The Maryland QSO party helped a little, and I did manage …
Continue reading "SARC in the Park – August 10th, 2019"