July 9, 2019
By: Rob, N9MVO A Public Service Event Well, it’s that time of the year, so less than two weeks after Field Day, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club had a Public Service Event: The Hoffman Estates Independence Day Parade. It was a beautiful day for a parade. The temperature was not too hot, starting in the …
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July 6, 2019
By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV The ARRL Field Day takes place every year on the fourth weekend of June, for a 24 hour period. During this event ham radio operators across North America demonstrate their ability to setup portable radio deployments in the field. Combining emergency preparedness skills, technical knowledge and teamwork, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio …
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July 4, 2019
By: Bill Crockett, KD9AUP Here is a description of my homebrew loop antenna, together with photos of construction.
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
Schaumburg Business Meeting, 20 June 2019 President Geoff Stevens KA9QGH called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There is a quorum. Rebecca KA9EFE brought two trays of cupcakes. Attendees: Danny Kafka KD9HIL///Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ///Geoff Stevens KA9QGH/// Paul Burkett KD9FMN///Cliff Sowka K9QD///Daryl Jenks KB9RHR///Edward Lishka AC9SD/// Phil McBride WB9C///Frank Giampa N9QPD///John Douglas KD9KSH///Bill McGovern W9WEM …
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