Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting May 17, 2018

May 26, 2018
Matt Walsh AC9IG President opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendees Matt Walsh AC9IG Frank Giampa N9QPD Ken Krzysicki KD9HIJ Rob Glowacki N9MVO Bob McIntyre W9DXR Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW Robert Kocourek W9RKK Don Traxler WA9UBR Danny Kafka KD9HIL Rick Cook KC9PLO Leo Ribordy N9NBH John Zietlow K9WIC Bill McGovern KD9JQM Ed Lishka AC9SD Wade Wacaer … Continue reading "Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting May 17, 2018"

MS Walk

May 6, 2018
The club supported the MS Walk fundraiser in Schaumburg on Sunday, May 5, 2018. There was a little rain before the event started but it quickly warmed up. Our members were the eyes on the course reporting back to the event organizers how the walk was progressing. We also relayed any requests for first aid … Continue reading "MS Walk"