LIMITED VE Testing Available

July 1, 2020
SARC is offering on a very limited basis VE testing that follows the current social distancing guidelines.  Please complete the form below and you will receive a call back from our VE team when a slot is available for testing.

MS Walk Public Service Event Cancelled

March 20, 2020
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers of the yearly MS Walk in early May have decided to cancel this event. SARC has offered radio support to this event for years and hopes to see it return for 2021. It is often considered the kick-off to our season of public service events.

Recent Construction Project photos

March 5, 2020
Here is a collection of photos taken during recent Construction Project meetings. Included are some updates to Kevin K9MKD’s Go Box, a completed Dummy Load, and my own (K9KMV) portable radio go bag. Mike, K9KMV