The club’s members have compiled this list of some of our favorite ham radio resources
Local Events
Find Hamfests, public service volunteer events and more in Northern Illinois and surrounding areas!
Radio Programming Files
To help our members, new hams and the ham radio community get on the air our club members have gathered up radio "programming" files that are pre-configured for local repeaters. These files are for specific radios but in many cases you can open up the...
Renewing Your License
By John AC9JS
In general, there are 3 steps:
Create an Account
Associate a Username to an Existing FRN
Renew License
Create an Account
Access CORES (FCC Commission Registration System) by typing the following into your browser page:
A sign in sheet for SARC events.
SARC Sign in
Get Licensed
Getting your amateur radio license requires taking a 35 question exam from the FCC. It's a lot easier than it sounds.
Study for the exam with one of these books. You can probably find them at your local library.
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual...
On The Air
Looking for reasons to get on the air? Want to improve your operating skills?
Upcoming Radio Contests
Morse Code Resources
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio)
Active Talk Groups
Chicagoland Control Center
Area Nets
KC9UNS Maintains...
Radio Manufactures
Broadcasting History
Business Studies: Broadcasting and Its History (including this great story behind this link)
Where to buy. You can also find plenty of...
DX Spotting
These stations were recently heard on the air.
News Links
American Radio Relay League Promotes and supports amateur radio and produces a monthly magazine QST .
Amateur Radio Newsline You can also listen to this at the end of every Thursday night net .
Ham Radio Daily Ham radio news.
QRZ ...
Contact Log Sheets
Below are 2 types of printable Contact Log sheets that can be used when operating portable.
They are purposely set at 2 pages long, so that you can print double-sided if your printer allows.
Contact Log Sheet - Standard
Contact Log Sheet -...