Club Dinner: Sunday, September 26 at 6pm

It is again time for us to meet at Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery to enjoy dinner, discussions with other hams, and an evening with friends.   Please reserve the evening of September 26th for our annual time to meet, eat, and talk.
We have reserved space beginning at 6:00 PM on Sunday, Sept. 26th at:
Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery
2346 West Higgins Road
Hoffman Estates, IL
We will each be responsible for ordering and paying for our own dinner as in the past.
Anyone can attend whether a club member or not so feel free to bring the spouse, partner, or friend.  If you know anyone interested in Ham Radio, or SARC, this would be a great time for them to meet with our club members.   This is a very casual event where we get the chance to relax and have some fun for a couple of hours.
I look forward to seeing you on the 26th,




Support SARC through Amazon Smile

By Dennis KD9HIK

If you use, your purchases can help support the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club (SARC).

Register your account with ‘’ and Amazon will contribute ½ of 1 percent of your eligible purchases to any single 501C organization you choose.  Participation doesn’t increase your purchase price.  SARC is registered with ‘’.

The process is simple:  Log into ‘’.  The landing page will direct you to where you can select the 501C you want.  Type “Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club” in the search box.  A couple of clicks later, you’re registered.  You don’t have to change your login or password.  Pretty painless.

The money is directed to the bank account of the registered 501C on a regular basis via PayPal.  It’s a one way street – deductions cannot be made by Amazon from the PayPal account, so it’s pretty safe.

You do have to remember to log in via ‘’; otherwise Amazon won’t recognize your purchases as eligible.

I went through the process, and now my purchases help support SARC.  Fun way to support the club.

My recent Winlink email experience, K9KMV

I know that many of you have already used, tested, and successfully sent/received emails via Winlink, but for me it is a relatively recent addition to the capabilities at my station.

I first set Winlink up in March 2021, but other than sending a couple of emails to make sure it worked, I did not find much use for it other than having the knowledge that it would be available if needed.

A fellow club member, Tim KD9LAI, recently mentioned to me that there is a weekly ‘Winlink Wednesday’ net that is run by KW6GB in Virginia.  The purpose of this net is for amateur radio operators to get regular practice using Winlink email so that if it is needed for an emergency, your skills are already tuned and ready for use. Continue reading “My recent Winlink email experience, K9KMV”