SARC 442.275 MHz UHF Repeater Update – Yaesu Fusion

The SARC UHF repeater on 442.275 MHz has recently been relocated and updated.

It now offers dual mode FM Analogue and Yaesu System Fusion. This means that you can access the repeater using either a conventional analogue radio, or a Yaesu System Fusion radio. The repeater will recognize the transmission mode it receives, and automatically switch accordingly. Continue reading “SARC 442.275 MHz UHF Repeater Update – Yaesu Fusion”

First Annual SARC Bike Ride – report from Dirk W0RI

First Annual SARC AR Bike Ride held on Saturday May 8, 2021 in Busse Woods.

Thank You to all that participated. We had nine attendees and several that joined us for Brunch afterwards. The attendees included: Tim-WE9PP, Barry-K9FMB, Bill-W9WEM, Robert-W9RKK, Tony-K9ASB, Dave-W9VTD, Bill-KD9RGX, Rob-N9MVO, Pat KD9PWI and Dirk-W0RI. These people were brave enough to take on the weather being cloudy with 43 degree at the start and around 53 degrees when we finished. The 7 mile route was enjoyable all paved and fairly smooth with numerous joggers, dog walkers and other bikers on the trail.

Continue reading “First Annual SARC Bike Ride – report from Dirk W0RI”