Winter Field Day 2021: K9KMV

Winter Field Day 2021 – K9KMV              

There was no doubt that this year’s Winter Field Day would have a winter feel to it.  Winter Field Day occurs on the last full weekend of January each year, starting at 1900 UTC and finishing 24 hours later at 1900 UTC on Sunday.

My plan was to operate in one location on Saturday afternoon, and then at a different location on Sunday morning.  I would be operating as 1 Oscar (1-O), which references 1 Operator, Outdoors.  I also wanted to activate a POTA (Parks on the Air) park on one of the days. Continue reading “Winter Field Day 2021: K9KMV”

K9KMV: Testing a new antenna with some friends

Early in December 2020, I went out to Busse Woods Forest Preserve to test out a new antenna; the AL-705 Magnetic Loop from Alpha Antenna.

It is a low power (20W) very portable magnetic loop covering 40m to 10m, designed and built by Alpha Antenna and marketed by ICOM, as part of their IC-705 portable field radio package. It can of course be used with any radio, as long as power is kept below the 20W maximum.

Continue reading “K9KMV: Testing a new antenna with some friends”

K9KMV: Parks On The Air Attempt – K-1012

On November 27th 2020, the day after Thanksgiving, I headed out to Moraine Hills State Park (K-1012) for a POTA activation.  I had been there before, so I knew roughly where I wanted to setup my radio gear.

My plan was to setup with my QRP radio, the IC-703 Plus, and give the Wolf River Coils Silver Bullet vertical a good try out.  I had used it before, but without much success, so this time I had put together a few 32 foot radials which I hoped would improve things.

Setting it up wasn’t hard.  The coil screws into a mini tripod, and then I add an MFJ 1979 telescopic whip which I extend out to 102”.  I chose this length because it is one of the options that WRC suggest, even though the whip I have can go longer.  With the help of my antenna analyzer, I was able to tune the SWR to a decent level on 40m. Continue reading “K9KMV: Parks On The Air Attempt – K-1012”

RHG December 2020

Continue reading “RHG December 2020”