Please note that the weekly club nets will not be held on the following dates:
Christmas Eve – Thursday December 24th, 2020
New Year’s Eve – Thursday December 31st, 2020
Wishing everyone all the best for the holidays, and 2021.
Mike, K9KMV
Please note that the weekly club nets will not be held on the following dates:
Christmas Eve – Thursday December 24th, 2020
New Year’s Eve – Thursday December 31st, 2020
Wishing everyone all the best for the holidays, and 2021.
Mike, K9KMV
Latest Go Box Case – By Mike Sorensen K9KQX
Since getting my ticket a few years back, I’ve dabbled a little with go box cases. Many of you saw the wood box I created for my IC-7300. That was my actual shack in the house as I used to set up next to end table by the couch. Since then I have a real desk at home and traded the original go box.
November Elections due to COVID are going to be conducted with unusual brevity. During our September Board of Director’s meeting we discussed possible utilization of UPS mail since we only had three candidates step forward for the Director’s vacancies and no candidates to run for the regular executive roles. We didn’t want to waste of envelopes, SASE with postage expense, etc. so we needed a more efficient solution.
Below text is directly extracted from the BOD minutes . Elections for 2021 will be decided by acclamation.
Geoff KA9QGH will request a motion as such (from someone not on the ballot), request a second, and call for the question: So moved unless some unique Roberts Rules of Order maneuver is brought in as a November Surprise.
Elections. Election process for 2021 was discussed during the September meeting and call for leadership/volunteer was made to help SARC fulfill offices. It was decided avoidance of a mail-in vote process could be accomplished if we were able to secure sufficient nominations for the vacating Board seats and if we were able to convince current office-holders to serve an additional term. 30-Day advanced publication required according to our By-Laws of the current officer slate with the plan to certify officers for 2021 by vote of acclimation during the November meeting was accomplished with Mike K9KMV’s RHG publication for September:
Official Ballot
General Election
November 18th, 2020
Club Officers and Board of Directors
All Offices -1 Year term Board of Directors-3 year terms
Vote for One Vote for two
Geoff Stevens KA9QGH_________ Jim Campbell_KB9RGU__________
Vice President
Danny Kafka KD9HIL___________ Ed Lishka_AC9SD_______________
Secretary Special Recognition Awards
Cliff Sowka K9QD______________ On Hiatus for this cycle__________
Chris Brewer_AC9GN___________