COVID-19 Response (Updated July 30, 2020)

SARC has cancelled all in person events through August 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Schaumburg Park District has listed events, meetings and rentals as cancelled indefinitely. Our events make use of these facilities. The calendar at the right reflects all the changes noted below.

Events cancelled include:

  • Club Meetings
  • Board Meetings (although the board continues to discuss topics through emails)
  • Sarc In The Park
  • Saturday Breakfasts

VE testing will still take place by appointment only. More information.

The club board is working on an alternate meeting plan for board meetings, and will discuss if we can safely have some club events while staying within social distancing guidelines.

Additional information from the Village of Schaumburg Park District

RHG July 2020

Editor’s note

We have all been affected in one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been difficult for me to find the time required to gather articles, and submit the newsletter each month.

As a result, I apologize for having not been able to publish the Radio Hill Gazette for the last couple of months, March being the last one.

As there have not been any Board or Monthly Club meetings, there have not been any of the usual meeting minutes to publish.

I will, however, start to have a little more time to devote to this task, so here is the July edition published.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy,
Mike, K9KMV

Continue reading “RHG July 2020”

Field Day 2020 with SARC

N9MVO’s Field Day station


Field Day 2020 was, to say the least, a very different Field Day to any other that we have experienced.  Restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, meant that the usual format that club members were used to was not possible.  Social distancing and other protective health measures meant that for the most part, Field Day 2020 with SARC had to be done on an individual basis.

Continue reading “Field Day 2020 with SARC”