SARC Holiday Party roundup – Jan 15th 2020

Below are some photos taken during the SARC Holiday Party at Garibaldi’s, on January 15th 2020.

During the party, club President Geoff Stevens KA9QGH presented the following awards:

Club Member of the Year, 2019 winner:                                 Rob Glowacki, N9MVO
Bill Smead Construction Project Award, 2019 winner:  Rob Glowacki, N9MVO

In recognition of his contributions to the club, including the use of materials and machinery to build the group J-pole antenna project, and more recently the Dummy Load project, Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW also received a special recognition award and a very large cake! Continue reading “SARC Holiday Party roundup – Jan 15th 2020”

SARC Phase Shift: A trip to the top of the Hancock Building

From time to time we’ll be bringing back photos of past events and featuring articles from past RHG issues.

To start the series off here’s a few photos of a fox hunt to track down a jamming transmitter located in downtown Chicago. The transmitter was found at the top of the Hancock building. These photos were taken in either 1997 or 1998 around Christmas as evidenced by the star hanging between the two antenna masts in one of the photos.

Ways to improve your HF SSB audio – by Mike K9KQX

Audio Scope view on the IC-7300

Ways to improve your HF SSB audio – by Mike Sorensen, K9KQX

Not many of us have probably given much thought on how we sound on the other end of a QSO. We figure the mic we got will do just fine and the rig will do its magic to get out on the air. Well, there are quite a few things you can do with many of today’s rigs to improve the overall enjoyability of your time on the air. Continue reading “Ways to improve your HF SSB audio – by Mike K9KQX”

250W Dummy Load – Construction Club project

Several of our members have offered (seed funding also begun) to organize a worthy build for our Construction Project Meetings.

Club members have the opportunity to join this group construction project, which is to build an essential piece of equipment for their shack:

What: 50 Ohm Dummy Load. Consists of Extruded Heat Sink, 250W 50-Ohm RF Resistor, SO-239 Connector, Professional Machining
When: Now! Anticipating builds to start >January Construction Project meetings
How: Reserve your Dummy Load with a $10 commitment via payment to SARC.  Please reply to Cliff Sowka K9QD via the SARC ALL email group to confirm your intent.

Continue reading “250W Dummy Load – Construction Club project”