Upcoming WCRA Mid-Winter Hamfest
The Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs Club is holding it’s annual Mid-Winter Hamfest at the Kane County Fairgrounds Expo Center, on January 19th, 2020.
December 2019 Monthly Meeting
As you can see from the photos, we had a great turnout at the December monthly meeting. After the regular club business agenda was completed, CSRA members Jim (W9JGH) and Ron (KD9IPO), gave us their “Distracted Driving Laws and Amateur Radio” presentation. Continue reading “December 2019 Monthly Meeting”
Winter Field Day 2020 is approaching!
So, another year has almost drawn to a close, which means January and WFD 2020!
Similar to the Field Day event held in the Summer, Winter Field Day encourages ham radio operators to deploy communications in the field, and in less than ideal weather conditions. This serves as a rigorous test on the equipment and skills needed to establish communications in any situation, anytime, anywhere. Continue reading “Winter Field Day 2020 is approaching!”
Reminder: December Monthly Meeting/Distracted Driving Laws presentation
A reminder to all members that the December monthly meeting is on Thursday December 19th.
After club business has been discussed, Jim Hull (W9JGH) and Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO) will be giving their Distracted Driving Laws and Amateur Radio presentation.