- A note from John KD9KSH, Social Activities Chair
- QST QST QST: State-wide radio exercise for Emergency Communications
- Recent Construction Project Meetings
- Schaumburg Public Safety Open House – Oct 5th 2019
- *Update* Club Elections – 21st November 2019
- From the President – November 2019
- Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting October 17th, 2019
- Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting October 2nd, 2019
From the President – November 2019
From the President
Election night approaches!!! This November meeting should be a wonderful election night, full of intrigue and last-minute horse-trading. Be sure to mail in your absentee ballots when they become available. If you have not run for an office or more importantly, for President, please feel free to write yourself in and tell as many people as you can. I may even vote for you.
I have been advised by a distinguished former president that I can vote a raise for myself, as President. I would like to let it be known that when you people drag me kicking and screaming me into another year as President, I will vote myself the biggest raise the club has ever seen. Just so I do not seem greedy and more corrupt than I am, I will only increase my current pay by 73%. I look forward to the next meeting. As a nominated President I step forward with reluctance, trepidation and just a hint of mischief. As President, I promise to execute my duties as poorly as I have executed them thus far. I am hoping the raise will lift my spirits enough to show up to more dinners after the meetings.
Geoff Stevens
*Update* Club Elections – 21st November 2019
Club Elections will be held on 21st November 2019 during the Monthly Club Meeting
Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 68251 Schaumburg, IL 60168-0251
Schaumburg Public Safety Open House – Oct 5th 2019

Here follows a message from John Zietlow K9WIC , SARC EmComm Chair: Continue reading “Schaumburg Public Safety Open House – Oct 5th 2019”
Recent Construction Project Meetings
By: Mike Griffiths, K9KMV
Thank you to Kevin K9MKD, for providing the photos shown below of the club’s most recent Construction Project Meetings.
As you can see from the photos, there is always something interesting going on, with a lot of very knowledgeable folk to help out.