RHG August 2019

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SARC Awards Two Scholarships for W9DXCC

For the second year in a row the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club awarded two scholarships to the W9DXCC DX Convention and Contest University taking place in September. The convention is a who’s who of contesters and DXers in “9 land.” That is call signs with the number 9 in them: Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. Presentations will include logging software, antennas, propagation and reports from upcoming and recent DXpeditions.

President Geoff Stevens KA9QGH announced the winners via the club’s message board. Congratulations to Dennis KD9HIK and Steve AC9EM. Dennis has been with the club for about 3 years, is an avid DXer and holds the position of Publicity Chair for the club.  Steve is a longtime member and has held many positions in the club as well as organized many activities.

The convention is open to anyone and takes place on September 13 and 14, 2019 in St. Charles. You can purchase tickets through their website.