Construction Project Photos

This week we repaired a Motorola service monitor, tested the SWR of an antenna, programmed a HT and used 4nec2 to confirm 2m antenna dimensions.

Public Service: Chicagoland Marathon

The Chicagoland Marathon takes place on May 20, 2018 in Busse Woods. Several hams are needed to help monitor the course and provide communications supporting the medical team and supplies logistics. Plan to operate from approximately 6am to 2pm.

The club thanks Frank N9QPD and Phil WB9C for their support of this event in the past. They will be returning this year because the event organizers have specifically requested their help because they demonstrated superior radio traffic management skills in past events. Take this opportunity to hone your sills and work with a great communications leaders.

If you are interested please contact the EMCOMM chairman or John K9WIC.

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From the Editor

They say April showers bring May flowers, but I never heard of April Snows bring May flowers.  This April has been a wild ride for weather, and its been slowing me down with outdoor HAM antenna work, but I’m making the best of it.  So in this months edition we are looking for articles. I’ve got one on a 160M antenna I’ve been working on.  Hopefully others chime in.

Mike K9KQX